• Custom meeting, off-site, and conference design and facilitation to ensure productive discussions that move the business agenda forward. Attention to:
    • Alignment around a shared vision
    • Developing clear and focused actions
    • Deepening understanding of challenges and possibilities
    • Engaging participants in culturally sensitive and diverse ways to ensure inclusion
    • Generating creative and innovative solutions



Tracy Ann is an excellent facilitator and strong leader. She has been willing to take on very difficult roles across multicultural environments, and delivered excellent results. I consider her an excellent leader colleague & friend.
President and CEO, IT Services
London, United Kingdom

Kate Vernon

Community Business has a long-standing partnership with Tracy Ann, engaging her as an external consultant to provide strategic advice, facilitate meetings and drive forward our diversity and inclusion work with leading companies across Asia. With her strong background in organisational development, her passion for creating inclusive environments and her first-hand experience of living and working across Asia, she offers a unique contribution to our work. Tracy Ann enables us to expand our business impact and to be creative in addressing D&I challenges in the region and with our members. Tracy Ann has a rare ability to grasp the issues, creatively engage a group and facilitate dialogue within a cross-cultural setting in a way that is both provocative and sensitive. We thoroughly enjoy partnering with Tracy Ann and proudly endorse her work.
Managing Director, Community Business
Hong Kong